Monday, February 13, 2017

The Liberal Gun Culture Begins Now! (because there won't be a later)

Wow!  That's a hell of an intro title statement isn't it?  Is there and can there be such a thing as a "Liberal Gun Culture?"  Yes and yes.  For anyone that has not lived under a rock for the last year and a half we have witnessed the rise of a soon to be despotic ruler.  Someone who should never have been in the running for US President let alone now sitting in the White House.

We have witnessed the day in day out slaughter of people of color by those that are suppose to uphold and enforce the law.

We have witnessed the rise of a very radical Right Wing that has only been emboldened since the election.

We have witnessed an unprecedented onslaught of unconstitutional Executive Orders being signed into law each and every day (the courts have only temporarily halted this action, but just wait and see, it will pass).  For the first time in many decades one group of people have been unjustly singled out and targeted because of their religion and nationality; forbidden to enter this country.  The future looks ever more grim.  The next four years (lets hope not eight) is going to be a rough ride.

So, how now do a group of civilized peoples reconcile their general dislike for things such as guns with the ever increasing possibility of the rise of Fascism in our own country?  The answer is surprisingly simple.

All of us, to one extent or another have used a knife to cut our food, or a hammer to hit a nail (and sometimes our thumb).  A knife and a hammer are tools, nothing more, and as useful as they are they can easily be turned into instruments of murder and mayhem.  A firearm is no different.  And it is my humble opinion that firearms are safer in the hands of educated social liberals than anyone else.  Why you ask?  Simple, we understand that these things are tools, tools of last resort but tools nonetheless.  I do not foresee any of us acquiring massive amounts of AR15s and AK-47s and masturbating (either figuratively or otherwise) to them regularly or holding them up as some kind of god to be worshiped. Again, to the educated, they are tools, nothing more.

My goal here is to educate and hopefully inform you to the best of my ability.  The winds of change are upon us and they are ill winds.

If you have not checked out these pages yet, please do.

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